Friday, February 25, 2011

Meat Anyone?

Mzolis. Best BBQ of my life. Here they call it a braii and is the source of socialization in Cape Town, among other things. Nonetheless it is like no other place I have ever encountered. I would rather come here than Korean BBQ, In N Out and Elephant Bar combined. Yes, it is THAT good.

So Mzolis is centered in a township, therefore it is among poverty and shacks that house 6 people in a space that can barely fit 2. Nonetheless, I feel as though this place serves as an escape for those in the area as it is a gathering of people from all over Cape Town, locals and tourists alike. However, upon further review it seems as though Mzolis is a place of corruption as one family owns this outdoor “restaurant” and does not fix up the place, increase wages, or share the wealth with the surrounding community. Politics aside, the food is phenomenal. I personally would love to have them cater my wedding, BBQ in a bucket anyone?

When you first arrive, you walk into a small shop that is full of meat, chicken and sausages. You buy the meat by the pound and then drop it off in the back where there is a massive BBQ pit with a couple men sweating over the flames making the scrumptious meal. The wait is at least 2 hours, but bribing goes a long way (as this seems to be the case with a lot of things in SA). But, the waiting does not pose an issue as there are cheap drinks sold outside and it is just a massive party. Everyone gathers in the streets and meets each other. In short, it is like a block party. Thus by the end of your time at Mzolis, you will be guaranteed to have made friends with locals, have a belly full of meat and just bliss. It is hands down my favorite place in South Africa thusfar. When the meat arrives, you are at the point of absolute savage hunger. All chicken, sausage, pork and beef arrive in one bucket. No utensils. No napkins. Just meat.

Now I know we are all about to be fasting so therefore this is a post that borders on the line of cruelty, but I just wanted to give you an insight into the meat that awaits you all in SA if you so choose to visit. Yes, this is my sly and cheap plea for you all to visit.

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