Sunday, February 20, 2011

Beginning in the Middle

So I must apologize that I have been in South Africa for a month now and have yet to post blogs. This first post will be what I originally wrote about a couple weeks ago after my road trip on the Garden Route. I promise to upkeep this blog as often as I can. But for now, here is my first old post, starting at the middle. :)
You always hear the same phrase from people that come back from being abroad, “it changes you.” This sounds daunting, exciting and perplexing all at the same time. If I do not come back a different person, does that mean that I did not really have an abroad experience? Nonetheless, I thought about that phrase all too much prior to my departure, and now that I am here-I get it. When abroad, you are depleted of your environment and those who have known you growing up. You can be whoever you want to be, no one will whisper “what is she doing? That’s not her.” Here there is no “her.”

Anyways, aside from my abstract mumbojumbo, I’ll save that for my journal. I have been having an amazing and eye opening experience here in South Africa. The first couple of days felt like a freshman year orientation at college all over again but with people who know who they are and where they want to go. It takes a certain type of person to want to study here. I won’t lie, I was a little disappointed upon my arrival because this place is beyond beautiful and completely modern. The Capetonians know this as well as they have immense pride for this country and I can see why. When encountering those from other parts of Africa that go to school here, they see Capetonians as not wanting to be a part of Africa. An interesting concept as I am sure all of Africa is striving to be as modern and “stable” as SA is. But the people here are what make the country-those in the program and the locals. I am always met with a friendly face, aside from the inane catcallers and taxi drivers. Everyone wants to be your friend and loves that a foreigner is taking interest in their home. Also, everyone has a story to tell and there is just so much diversity in this country. A career is not a lifestyle but merely a job. It is refreshing to get away from the over ambition that I feel fuels most of America. There is so much more to life and I am slowly starting to realize that. The confidence in the women here is a beautiful thing. I never thought of myself as a feminist by any means, but it is so evident that the women here embrace who they are and are not afraid to dive into anything. I hope to embody that by the time I am back home.

I just came back from a 5 day road trip along the coast of South Africa called the Garden Route. I went with the most amazing people and seriously did not stop laughing the entire time. There was not a 20 minute period when we were not dying of laughter. It was interesting to see the beautiful small towns of South Africa as it was unexpected from the usual portrayals of Africa in the media. The sites were beyond amazing. You can truly see the grace of God in the blankets of clouds that envelop the mountains, the pristine glistening beaches, and the people that are content to just tending to their small restaurants. We stayed in hostels while there-LOVED it. It was dirty at times, but its 20 dollars a day for room and board. Each town had its own personality, but all had the underlying persona of relaxation. No one was on edge. The last hostel was Djembe where we met young travelers from all over the world (mostly Europe). We had a braii (BBQ) and stayed up talking, laughing and doing card tricks. It just showed me that there is so much more to this world than America and also that I am not strong enough to travel alone. Everyone I met was truly inspiring. At the end of our stay we can write on the walls of the hostel. A majority of the posts were about the bungee jumping which is 15 minutes away, but at that time I was firm that I was not going to jump, therefore my post stated, “Its ok not to bungee because life will throw you around no matter what.” Little did I know that a mere 4 hours later I would be flinging myself off a 600 foot bridge. My video is HILARIOUS. Remind me to show it to you one day. Honestly, I got a standing ovation from the bar as everyone can tell I was terrified. How could you not be!? It was my biggest fear in life and I can say I conquered it. I just thought to myself, when does life ever give you an opportunity to face your biggest fear head on. Also, I had Fomo (fear of missing out), which seems to be a driving factor to a lot of my decisions here. Nonetheless, I am glad I did it because it was the most terrifying, serene adrenaline that I am sure I will never feel again. I honestly can say that I know what silence is.
Ok so here are the basics:
-I live in a house of 18, 7 guys and 9 girls and 2 RAs.
-It gets crazy in this house, but it is no where near the drama that is displayed on the Real World.
-Speaking of, the locals almost always bring up Jersey Shore when speaking to Americans. Dam that show for ruining our image!
-I surprisingly have not watched any television while being here. This may be due to the fact that I do not own a television, but that is besides the point.
-Anyone who knows me would be ecstatic to know this next tidbit-I sleep at a sane hour here! I feel as though my body is made for South African time because I sleep at 12 and wake up at 8. Is this how it feels to be normal?
-I am taking three classes: 1) Religion, Conflict and Violence 2) Crime and Deviance in South Africa and 3) Afrikaans Literature and Language Studies. I am most excited about the last one.
-Internet here is absolutely absurd, as I have to pay as I go. My cell phone works the same way. Therefore, I run out of minutes every 4 days and must go to the grocery store to buy more. Do not take those two things for granted.
-I have found my coffee shop that I will guarantee my 2 dollars a day will go to. God bless “Coco Wawa.”
-Lastly, I miss everyone dearly but am glad to be here. I know that I will grow as a person here as I see it everyday.

There is a lot that is going through my head right now and sorry if this post seems like a constant tangent, but just wanted to give a small snippet into my life.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Marina Its Kathy. This is awesome. I hope your having an amazing time. Keep blogging. Can't wait to see your video. Have fun and I will be praying for you and reading your blog. =)
