Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Pursuit of Happiness

Being thrown into a new environment alone for six months has given me a lot of time to think about who I am, where I want to go and what type of person I want to be. One of the bittersweet epiphanies I am journeying through here is my self worth. I will spare you my own realization but instead will briefly go into that of yours- my friends.

It kills me when people do not understand how amazing they are. I wish everyone received a book about what he or she means to other people and how influencing they truly are. The people I am meeting here and my friends/family back home would receive War and Peace sized novels concerning my love for them. There will be people in life that will disappoint, but that is constantly overshadowed by those that love if you open your eyes and see that. People wake up! You are loved! I have noticed not only in those I come across here, but you (my lovely friends) back home do not fully grasp what you teach me about life and myself. I thank and love you all. This is a post that I felt compelled to write. I love you guys so much and am truly happy here! (no I am not on happy pills or anything while writing this). I knew from the beginning that God sent me here for a purpose and I am seeing it more everyday. My relationship with South Africa is not done just yet. I am not ready for it to end. I am excited to see where else He takes me. Stay tuned! :)

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